Monthly Archives: June 2015

The Other Side

What is beyond the human life? Is there a spiritual world waiting for us to burst out of these weighted bodies. It feels like there is something calling us closer. Like there is something much greater for us. A place were a single thought can create a whole new world. Where we will be filled with love and light. As a young girl, I would have told you, I had a fear of what was beyond human life on earth. That old people were the only ones that conquered their fear of it. I feel much different today. Death is a transformation. A new beginning. Life is a journey full of learning and growth. Let your fears go!


Have you been around someone that is awesome at not owning up to their mistakes? Hell, maybe you are that person. Those mistakes might not be mistakes at all to you. You should not be ashamed of who you are as a person. You should also know emotions are so powerful. People do not want excuses, but the truth. Hiding who you are is the worst mistake ever. If you are not compatible do not pretend to be. A couple of years ago I would have said compatibility was not important but love is important. Ever heard of putting your foot in your mouth! In a relationship, compatibility is a must. Without it you will spend the rest of your life with a mask on, hiding things in deprivation of happiness.

Relationship, nah

Get me out of here! Take me away on a jet, no a spaceship. You hurt me in the worst possible way. This pain will not scab over and heal. Blindfold me and drop me off so I can not find my way back to you. I have grown to like this pain. I am comfortable with it now. I know this is not healthy for me but I deal with it consistently. Is this love? This is your form of love. Why would anyone stay? I stayed. I am still here. We have a picture we are apart of. Yet you let random people in our picture. I want to tear it up, burn it. There is only room for me and you. I do not want this kind of love. Forget them, they are in the past? My mind will not let me do that! I try though. I try to forget, forgive. My heart will not let me. Are we on the same page, the same planet? Age is just a number. I am tired of waiting for change. I wish you were the person I dreamed you would be.

One You

Is there any like you in this world? Probably in china somewhere. We hear of this one person that is totally like us. Or may have a distinct characteristic of ours. And allegedly looks like us. Here is the awesome part, when you finally get a glimpse of this identical heavenly being you look nothing alike! What is up with that? I find it that our personality twins are not in the same group or exact area. Yet they are close enough to hear about. Maybe this is a way for people to connect with someone they miss. Share your thoughts.


What Is On Your Mind?

Money. Said to be the route of all our problems. Where envy, jealousy, and greed can stem. We are all guilty of giving our power over. Our time focused, our spirit drained. Do we really need this piece of paper in our lives? No, but we are lead and somewhat forced to believe otherwise. Money is really a tool, an energy exchange. Take back that power and put it where it really needs to be, in ourselves. We then can focus personally on our physical and spiritual needs. Plus more natural ways of living. We are spiritual beings capable of putting our creative thoughts into action. It is possible to live in a peaceful world with better ways of exchange. It is up to us to heal ourselves and create it.

Choose Your Own Career

A job is more than a source of income. You spend most of your time at work either mentally or physically. We should be at least 80% happy with our chosen career. We are use to hearing about having an attitude of gratitude. And being thankful we have any ole job. That is fine and dandy but not when you have a choice in the matter. You choose everything that stays in your life. Why not choose a career you are passionate about. One or many in which you want to succeed. It is all up to us. Negativity is all around if you want it but so is positivity. No more trying to live up to the standards of others. No one is living your life but you. So listen to your heart! Have faith and believe in yourself!


There is always something going on when you are bored and thinking nothing is going on. The wind is blowing. The birds are flying through the air. The sun is warm and shining. The earth is in rotation and spinning. Mother nature is at work. You do not have to always find something to do with yourself. Just being is just fine. Realize nature. Inhale the cool breeze. Feel the sun rays on your skin. Listen to the birds sing. The world can be a peaceful place if you let it. It all starts in your mind. Create the world you want to live in.

Wanderer Part II

Beliefs make us who we are. They build us up or tear us down. I have a few personal Truths I hang on to on my quest of Divine Truth. The spiritual realm fascinates me. Are we in one of many dimensions? Are we capable of seeing other realms, will we remember this lifetime after passing. All questions I am sure every human on earth has asked. And the search for higher truth goes on. To receive it, we must be mentally ready for The Truth. People with different vibrational bodies clash with one another and that is what is happening in the world today. There are many battles taking place. Conquering the spiritual war within first is best. But life has it’s obstacles and it is not that easy with others around growing with us. Live your Truths and allow others to do the same!

Wanderer Part I

Spirit has been on my mind lately. Are spirits around us? Where do we go after our bodies die, or do we fade away into nothingness. I feel more in tuned to ask these questions again expecting the truth to come forth to me. I feel like I have a question for every second of the day. This is more of me letting my thoughts flow out freely to confirm my truths. There is the Truth and there are beliefs we assume are true. This is a touchy subject nowadays and it should not be. Some let beliefs they were taught affect them and others around them. Even when they say their belief out loud and it makes no sense to them. We are in control of our own life. It is said we are not supposed to judge for a reason. Meaning others are free to grow in their own way without anyone pushing their beliefs on them.

Writer’s Block

“As soon as they jump in my head they are out in a flash. Pondering the subject. Should I come back to this tomorrow? I must get this done. When you are expected to do something it becomes less and less enjoyable. This has never happened before. The words usually spill from my finger tips.” Does this happen to other writers? When writer’s block happens it is time to take a break. Relax your mind. Meditate. Worrying will bring more worries. A nap usually is the best thing for me to rejuvenate. It is said when under stress a human brain shifts control from the cerebral cortex to the limbic system. And that system is associated with “fight or flight” and “deeply engrained training.” The best way to cure writer’s block is to listen to your body. It always knows what it needs.